
Welcome to the page of "Stroitelno Skele" EOOD.

The company offers for sale construction scaffolding and systems of various manufacturers, as well as sale of construction equipment and construction equipment. The products offered by us meet all Bulgarian and European standards. A large part of the items offered on our page are in stock outside the country. Please find out about our stock availability of the products you want, as well as their delivery times.

bgv logo „Строително Скеле” ЕООД е член на Българска Скеле Асоциация (БСА)



Most of the Products we offer are related to German manufacturers ALTRAD Baumann GmbH and ALTRAD plettac-assco GmbH, who specialize in the production of construction machinery and equipment. They are part of “ALTRAD GROUP”, which is a world leader in the provision of industrial services. In  “ALTRAD GROUP

employs approximately 42,000 employees in more than 50 countries worldwide and operates 120 subsidiaries.

Follow our current promotions for new and used Products.

За нас

Дружеството предлага за продажба строителни скелета и системи на различни производители, както и продажба на строителната техника и оборудване за стрителство. Предлаганите от нас продукти отговарят на всички български и европейски стандарти.


Тел: +359 (0)888 533966
